Assume reality, then suppose. Suppose... suppose, suppose, suppose... suppose that the world is stranger than you think. Suppose, say, that every shadow is a doorway to Hell; that on the other side of every mirror is a world of darkness... a world of Night, almost identical to this one, and yet terrifyingly different. Suppose, also, that some people are... different. Say, oh, three per cent of the population aren’t quite human. Suppose that not even they know who they are, until something triggers it, deep with their soul... and awakens a monster. Suppose... just suppose... that you knew one of these people... Hell, suppose you’re one of them ... Suppose... I am... Pain... ripping through every cell of my body. Spine... cracking, expanding... reshaping. Hips... exploding, re-aligning... burning with agony. Knees breaking and growing; ankles cracking and expanding. Ribs stretching and swelling... bones shrinking, growing, breaking, aching. There was no part of me that did not hurt. My entire body was growing, and not even in proportion. Even faster than my height increased, my shoulders widened, my ribcage swelled. My toes and feet become massive cat-paws with silver-white claws... starkly in contrast with the blue-black fur erupting all over my body. My fingers crack, erupt with claws, and curl inward. I shriek... a bestial sound... a commingling of a lion’s roar, a tiger’s yowl, and a human cry of pain. Minutes pass, and the pain subsides. I look in the mirror to see what I have become: Seven feet, now, when before I was only six-two. Long dishwater-blonde hair turned to a shining blue-black mane. Fingers, once ring-circled and clever at a keyboard, now stiff and inarticulate claws. Slender, lazy-soft limbs and body, become barrel-chested, washboard-stomached, massively muscled and fur-covered body and limbs. What once were leather-booted feet now were padded, splayed-toed paws, with the ankles and knees put together like a cat’s. What was I? What had I become? Could I ever be human again? I collapsed to the ground, weeping with despair, wishing only to be human again. In time, I got my wish... strangely, my clothing, even my rings, was unharmed. Still weeping, I staggered over to the phone and dialed the only number I could even begin to think of at the time... "Marissa? Can I come over... I have to talk to you... It’s a matter of life and death..."